Competition Rules

  1. The 29-th edition of Balkan Masters Athletics Championships (BAMACS) is organized by Masters Athletes Commission department of Romanian Athletics Federation.
  2. The Competition will be conducted in compliance with the IAAF and WMA Technical Rules and in agreement with the BMA Statutes and the present guidelines issued by the Local Organizing Committee (LoC).

Locations and Timetable

  1. The competition will take place in Bucharest, in the period of 19 – 22 September 2019 at the locations described below:
•  “Iolanda Balaş Söter” Stadium at Primo Nebiolo Street no. 2 , sector 1 and
•  Herăstrău Park, entry at Nordului str. 7-9.
  1. Detailed descriptions of the locations including maps and pictures are available on Competition website:
  2. The time schedule of the competition is available on Competition website:
  3. This Championship is a complex competition that includes the following type of events:
A. Balkan Masters Championship for
• Traditional individual events including
• Halfmarathon
B. Balkan Masters Relays Championship for
• 4 x 100m
• 4 x 400m
• Balkan relay (100-200-400-800m)
C. Balkan Masters Combined Events Championship for
•  Decathlon
•  Heptathlon
•  Throwing Pentathlon
D. Balkan Masters Team Championships for:
• Halfmarathon

Registration – Deadlines

  1. The deadline for registrations is 19-th of August 2019, 22:00.
  2. After the deadline the online registration software will not accept any further registrations or changes.
  3. No application will be registered unless correspondingly paid for before the deadline.

Registration – Procedure

  1. Registrations will be operated online by Team/Country Managers. The credentials (username and password) for the online registration software will be communicated to each Team/Country Manager by the LoC.
  2. Online Registration Software has the following advantages:
    • Database of Balkan athletes is already loaded with full data (name, surname, gender, birthdate). Registration is simple and consists of selecting the athlete and reuse existing data eliminating typing errors and automatically calculating the correct age categories.
    • For each athlete events available for registration are only the ones suitable for the corresponding age category (ex: for an athlete in M80 category the only hurdles events available for registration are 80m and 200m hurdles not others like 100m or 300m hurdles which are not correct).
    • Corrections for registrations are available for Team/Country managers directly online, no need to communicate such modifications to LoC and wait for them to be operated. That is: make corrections of the name, surname, gender, birthdate etc. for any athlete and also change at any time the events athlete is registered to.
    • Team/Country managers will be able also to enter new athletes (that did not participate in Balkan Masters championships before) that are not present now in the database.
    • Online registration software allows registration for: individual athletes, relays and their components, teams (for Halfmaraton Teams Championships) and their members. Also this online registration software allows to view/edit a cumulative list of all registrations.
    • Team/Country Managers have the possibility to export registrations into an Excel list including all data of each athlete, relay or team (details and events registered to) and also the corresponding fees and totals. This will also the easy management of registrations for each Manager.
  1. Age group is determined for each athlete according to WMA Rules of Competition, rules 141.1 and 141.2. Throughout the Competition an athlete shall compete in the age group for which he qualifies on the first competition day and in no other age group except as allowed by specific team and relay rules.
  2. For each event athletes will specify their best result (season best) since 01.10.2018 up to present (registration time). This is an optional information but in the absence of this info athlete may get a disadvantageous lane or heat not corresponding to his/her athletic value.
  3. On athlete may register to maximum 4 (four) individual events (including halfmarathon) of the Balkan Masters Championships and supplementary to 1 (one) of the Combined Events (Decathlon or Throwing Pentathlon for men and Heptathlon or Throwing Pentathlon for women) and also to 2 (two) more extra individual events if the athlete has a Season Best higher than 800 IAAF points for each of these extra 2 events. In order to avoid injuries it is recommended not to register to more than 2 (two) events in a day.
  4. Regardless of all the above described events any athlete may compete in all 3 (three) Relays. Relay teams registrations are due at the above mentioned deadline as all other events. Final components of the Relays may be modified (all 4 members may be changed) and shall be announced by the Team/Country Managers 3 (three) hours before the start.
  5. Regardless of all the above described events any athlete may register in a Team for Halfmarathon. Such Teams are registered in accordance to WMA Rules of Competition 2018-2020, Rule 147 – Mixed Competition and Rule 151 – Scoring. Teams registrations are due at above mentioned deadline as all other events. Final components of the Teams for Halfmarathon (all 3 members may be changed) shall be announced by the Team/Country Managers 24 hours before the start.

Registration – Abroad

  1. For good organization of the Competition and a permanent contact with LoC each national federation participating with athletes to the Competition will communicate to the LoC the name and contact details (email, phone) for its Team/Country Manager no latest at 19-st of July 2019.
  2. Athletes registrations and corresponding payments should be made by their Team/Country Manager.
  3. Athletes from abroad may organize in groups and designate a Team Manager to represent them for registration and payments to the LoC.
  4. Payment details are the followings:
    Beneficiary: Federatia Romana de Atletism
    Bank account: RO53BRDE441SV98171314410 (euro)
    Bank: BRD Bucuresti, Suc.Unirea
    Bank address: Bd. Vintila Voda nr. 2
    Swift code: BRDEROBU
    Details: BAMACS registration
  5. The cumulative table will all corresponding registrations applications will be available for each Team/Country Manager online in the registration software.

Registration – Romania

  1. Romanian athletes will send their registrations applications to the LoC directly via email to: (Dl. Nicolae Sdrula, phone 0721.762.448) or (Dl. Valeriu Bobocescu, phone 0734.537.201) or by fax or postal letter at the address specified on Competition website in “Contact” page.
  2. Romanian athletes pay the registration fees directly at FRA / CAM bureau or by bank wire into the following account:
Bank name:             BRD Bucureşti, Suc. Unirea, Sector 3
Bank Address:         Bld Vintilă Vodă nr. 2, București
IBAN:                       RO27 BRDE 441S V981 7086 4410
Beneficiary:              Federația Română de Atletism, Cod fiscal 4203423
Beneficiary address:  București, Str Primo Nebiolo, nr 2, Romania

Payment details: taxa înscriere Balcaniada masters 2019

Registration – Balkan President Team

  1. Individual masters from non-BMA countries licensed with their national federations may register to compete in this BMA Championship as members of the BMA President’s Team. Such competitors would compete under the BMA flag and are entitled to awards for their event performance alongside but not interfering with the ranking of the BMA masters. The validation of the athletes applying for membership in the BMA President’s Team shall rest entirely with the running BMA President. Payment of the individual entry fees for the Balkan President Team registrants may on request be cash on arrival.

Registration – Fees

  1. Registration fees are detailed in the following table.
Description Value Remarks
Entry fee (no event included)


Entry fee is paid by any athlete registered to the Competition. This does not include the fee for any event.
Individual event


Any individual event excluding Halfmarathon.


Halfmarathon individual athlete.


Fee for each of Relay team.


Decathlon (10 events) – Men.


Heptathlon (7 events) – Women.
Throwing Pentathlon


Throwing Pentathlon (5 events)
Team Halfmarathon


Team of 3 members for Halfmarathon
Anti Doping Fee


Paid by any athlete registered to the competition. Amounts collected are used for anti doping control.

Registration – Corrections

  1. Local Organization Committee must be informed regarding all changes applied to the registered entries before the Technical Meeting on the 19-th of September 2019. These changes refer to corrections of the personal data of athletes already registered. New registrations are not accepted. Changing the events for an athlete is not accepted either.
  2. No changes will be approved after the Technical Meeting as detailed above.
  3. The start lists will be published on the Competition website at least 7 (seven) days before the Competition begins.
  4. The Technical Meeting to be attended by the Team Managers will be held on 19-th of September 2019 in the boardroom of the Romanian Athletics Federation located in 2, Primo Nebiolo Str, Sect 1 at 18:30. Information will be distributed in advance in case of any change.
  5. Confirmation of entries (validation). Team/Country Managers or athletes must confirm the entry list and participation to the Competition latest at the Technical Meeting. The registration fee is not refundable not even in the case of canceling an event due to weather conditions.

Doping Control

  1. In order to organize this Championships at European and World level LoC implemented anti-doping control measures financed partially by the registration fees and by local funds. About 2 to 4 full anti-doping tests will be operated for athletes that achieve outstanding performances, records, big performance improvements etc. Selection for anti-doping control will be operated in respect to these principles and will be operated by the LoC.
  2. Team/Country Managers are held responsible for collecting health declarations and doping sampling consent from the athletes they approve for registration.
  3. Should an athlete refuses to take the anti-doping test he/she will be automatically disqualified from all events of the Competition and the incident will be communicated to National, Balkan, European and World Federations for appropriate sanctions.
  4. The person or entity that requires the testing of any competitor for doping is requested to pay, in advance, a fee of 450 Euro per case.


  1. The kits including bib numbers will be distributed by the LoC to the Team/Country Managers according to their registrations lists. Each athlete is kindly asked to keep in touch with his/her Team/Country Manager in order to get the kit from him/her.
  2. Each competitor will be given two start numbers which should be worn both on front and back of his/her shirt.
  3. Exception includes jumping events (horizontal and vertical), in which competitors should only wear one start number, either on front or back at their choice.
  4. Additional start numbers with country marks will be given to athletes in relays just before the race. These bib numbers are mandatory no matter if the country name is marked on athlete’s equipment.
  5. Start numbers should not be folded, deteriorated or changed. Contrary action may lead to disqualification.
  6. All athletes must compete in the sport uniforms and colors of their national teams.


  1. Warm-up areas are located right next to each Competition location. No warm-up will be allowed on the main track. Failure to respect this will conclude to athlete disqualification from the Competition.
  2. Basic changing rooms are provided nearby Competition locations.
  3. All participants should register in the Call room. Application time in the Call Room for all events is between 30 to 10 minutes before the start of the event and will be clearly specified in the Start Lists.
  4. The referees will check athletes equipment and bib numbers.
  5. Competitors who don’t register on time to the Call Room will not be allowed to compete.
  6. Athletes allowed spikes are: spikes of 9 mm maximum for track events should be needle or pyramid type. For field events the heel spike length shall not exceed 9mm except at high jump, pole vault and javelin where it shall not exceed 12 mm.
  7. All competitors will be accompanied to the competition area by an official. 
  8. Instructions to athletes at races will be given in English according to IAAF rules
  9. Athletes may start from either block-start or standing position at their own choice.
  10. The athletes who start incorrectly two times in one event shall be eliminated from the event.
  11. Block-start sensors and devices, electronic timing and photo-finish equipment will be operational during the competition.


  1. Relay events age groups will be formed by 5 years categories for men and women respectively, as follows: 35-39, 40-44, 45-49, 50-54, 55-59, 60-64, 65-69, 70-74, 75-79, 80-84, 85-89, 90-94, 95-99.
  2. Final members for relays are accepted from Team/Country Managers latest 3 (three) hours before the event starts.
  3. One country may register more teams in the same relay event age group. After the race only one single team will be valid for each country (best performance) and all others will automatically be declared OOC (Out of Competition).

Medals Ceremonies

  1. For all events (individual, halfmarathon, combined events, relays, halfmarathon teams) medal ceremonies will be held at “Iolanda Balas” Stadiium in a specially designated area approx. 45 minutes after the results are posted.
  2. Should any athlete cannot participate on medals ceremonies he/she is invite to contact LoC immediately after the event for instructions on getting the corresponding medal and/or diploma.

Final Provisions

  1. The competition will be judged by Romanian judges.
  2. The Competition Director has the executive authority.
  3. All objections will be judged by a jury named by LoC.
  4. The objections must apply in no more than 30 minutes after the results are announced.
  5. For any objection a 100 € fee should be paid. If the objection is rejected, the money will be kept as a quotation fee.
  6. During the whole competition emergency medical assistance will be provided by the organizers. Emergency calls at 112 – the medical service- may also be used in case of need.
  7. By participating to the Competition athletes assume all the health risks involved by this. LoC or any other organizing part should not be held responsible for any injury or unfavorable evolution of the health status for any athlete or for the lost or personal belongings during the Competition.
  8. By participating to the Competition each athlete consents that he/she has no financial demand or demands of any other kind for the use of the photo images or video footage realizes during the Competition, images or video that represents the image of the athlete under the string engagement of the LoC that these images will be used exclusively to realize promotional materials to promote masters athletics movement.

Local Organizing Committee BAMACS 2019